Nov 6, 2011

Beginning to use web 2.0

Web 2.0" is a concept that is connected with a number of web applications that allow everybody to use the Web as a platform to interact and communicate in a personal and dynamic way: expressing opinions in blogs, sharing all kind of documents like pictures, podcast or videos, creating personal spaces easily, collaboration through wiki and other similar applications, etc.

This blog is a continuation of work done during the masters classes I´m taking. It is represents a practical use for Web 2.0 in education. The purpose of this blog is none  other than use the web as a platform to interact an communicate in a personal way, expressing my opinions and my reflections about education and sharing some useful resources for teachers.
As you can see the blog consist of  practical uses for Web 2.0; What is Consciousness- Based Education; some resources for teachers; and a review about my experience in the field of Education.

Different between Web.1.0 and Web. 2.0

Web.1.0                                                                                             Web.2.0

- Was computer based                                                    - Used  the Web as a platform
- Relied on installed software                                           - Uses the browser
- Was solitary                                                                    - Encourages sharing
- Was individual working                                                  - Is community sharing wisdom
- Was data in one place                                                   - Is the portability of data
- Was about consuming (data)                                        - Is about creating data
- Was home page                                                             - Is weblog
- Was tracking information down                                     - Is having information come to you
- Was badging                                                                   - Is getting the answer out there quickly
- Was slow transfer rates                                                  - Is about broadband
- Was hardware $                                                              - Was broadband
- Was getting in perfect                                                     - Is doing it and moving on
- Was stationary                                                                 - Is mobile
- Was about limitation                                                       - Is about state of mind

There is a interesting article about how introduce this new technologies in the classroom.


1 comment:

  1. Great summary of our class! It is exciting to delve into this technology. Look forward to reading your reflections.
